Monday, March 12

Summer Preview: Politics at Cambridge University

It's official! I'll be spending six weeks at Cambridge University this summer at their Interdisciplinary Summer School.  I'm incredibly excited, as the subjects that I'll be studying sound very interesting and I've yet to travel outside of London and Windsor in England. In the mean time, I'll have a lot of reading to do as I'm required to read 14 books before the start of June. Because my schedule is already quite hectic, I've arranged to see an academic counselor to help me figure out how to be more productive given the limited amount of time I can dedicate to preparation for my summer courses. 

Here are the courses I'll be taking at Cambridge:
1. Crises in world politics since 1945
2. Third world revolutions: Cuba, Chile, Angola, Ethiopia
3. Power and politics in Britain today
4. Economics of public policy

It's possible to take three courses per session, but I'll only be taking two since they're very intensive and I'll want time to be able to attend the plenary lectures.

Below is the typical schedule of a Cambridge summer session student.

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